Policies and procedures 

Code of Conduct:

All Students must comply with the following rules and regulations whilst attending a course at Class of 216.

At Class of 216, we do our upmost to provide a high and safe standard of training, please assist us in maintaining these professional standards. Please note that these regulations are compulsory for Health & Safety purposes.

Punctuality – Courses will commence promptly at the published times. The teaching times are extremely precious. We do understand that incidents occur that cannot be prevented e.g. heavy traffic, poorly children, but we would appreciate a telephone message if you are running late, or unable to attend. A refund will not be given or another date offered.

Dress Code – Not only is it important for a therapist to appear professional always, it is vital that we comply with the dress code for Health & Safety issues. Plain black closed toe shoes must be worn, with a low heel (trainers are acceptable). Salon uniform must be worn, ideally a pair of plain black trousers with a tunic top. If you do not have a tunic top, please attend in all black clothing.(*Student not wearing the correct uniform will not pass that day of assessments, and will need to do them again on another day.)

Disabilities – If a learner has a disability(ies), learning difficulty(ies), and/or health problem(s) please inform Class of 216 upon booking to ensure the correct help and guidance is given. We have lift access in our building and great accessibility throughout the building.

Personal Hygiene – Students must always maintain their own personal hygiene.

Hair and Nails – Long or medium length hair must be tied back during the course. Nails should be filed/cut to a sensible length to avoid injury to a client.

Jewellery – No Jewellery (including piercings) should be worn during the course except for a wedding band and small stud earrings. Please leave any valuables at home as Class of 216 cannot take any responsibility for loss or damage to student’s or clients personal belongings.

Training Manuals – Training manuals are supplied by Class of 216. All materials are the Copyright of the academy.

Models – Students can bring models for the assessment day, but please be advised that if your clients do not show up, you will potentially be delayed for your final assessments. We do realise that this can often be a problem due to work commitment, so please contact Class of 216 at least one week prior to the course if you would prefer us to find the models for you, but no responsibility will be taken by the training academy if a model cannot be found.

Waxing Models – For the waxing courses, your models must have sufficient bodily and facial hair; they will need to grow their hair for a couple of weeks prior to the course.

Mobile Phones – These must be switched off or put on silent during the course.

Smoking – If you do smoke, please do not smoke on the premises. There is a designated smoking area on our building grounds which will be shown to you on the day.

Also please be aware of the following:

The Class of 216 will not tolerate physical or verbal abuse at any time.

Water, teas, coffees etc will be provided for at the training sessions. There are vending machines allocated on level 3 of our building, however it is strongly advised to bring your own packed lunch.

As part of our service to provide excellent student service, Class of 216 operates an equal opportunities policy. Students will not experience discrimination on any counts.

Class of 216 will not tolerate any bullying on their courses between students.

All student and client information is kept confidential, following GDPR rules.

If required, extra tuition on scheduled training dates is available within three months after the commencement of the course for £50.00 per hour.

Health and Safety Policy:

The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsequent additional legislation places a duty upon the management of an establishment to secure and maintain a safe working environment for all employees and those affected by the service provided.


Class of 216 undertakes to – 

  • Provide a consistently safe environment at the Academy.
  • Provide guidance of a safe working practices for staff and students, whilst incorporating health & safety knowledge into all student activities.
  • Provide information and procedures for fire and emergencies.
  • Provide information and procedures for accidents.
  • Provide training and up to date information on health & safety to all concerned.
  • Promote training of a responsible attitude to health & safety throughout the school.

Provide monitoring processes for the above Class of 216 will require its students to –

  • Follow the health & safety regulations.
  • Co-operate with others in keeping the environment safe.
  • Take care to avoid injury to themselves or others.
  • Being appropriately dressed and not misusing or damaging equipment, materials or the premises.
  • Report any hazards immediately to the staff in charge.

Kit Information:

  • Student will have access to equipment and tools at Class of 216
  • Students will need to practice treatments during and after their training, so Class of 216 would recommend students to buy starter kits for all the treatments that will be taught, as it will allow you to practice treatments at home to a professional and satisfactory standard for your assessment.
  • These items will be discussed during the previous lessons.
  • Please contact the academy for further information.

Equal Opportunities Policy:

  • Class of 216 is committed to ensuring equal opportunity to all candidates on all courses, all the clients of the establishment and to the staff of Class of 216 regardless of their role.
  • There is a commitment to encourage each individual to realise his or her potential. Training or access to assessment will not be affected by gender, ethnic origin, nationality, religious belief, social circumstance, marital status, age or physical or intellectual ability or other relevant state.
  • The requirements of the Sexual Discrimination Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976 and the Employment (Disabled Persons) Acts of 1944 and 1958 will be respected and any amendments or extension thereto.
  • Equal opportunities will be integrated into all planning, procedures and our resources. All promotional material, course schemes and display items will not reinforce stereotypes and will reflect the diversity of the society.
  • All staff and students will be advised of the policy to be pursued with clients and visitors to the School. There will be positive reinforcement of the requirements of the policy statement and the policy will be monitored and reviewed at regular intervals among staff and students and action taken if required.
  • Encouragement will be given to discuss any concerns over these issues if/when they occur.
  • You will be given the opportunity to allow these concerns to be fully and confidentially discussed. Support and advice is available to help those concerned to understand the problems and take steps to resolve them.
  • On the first instance, any problems should be brought immediately to the attention of Sophie Stafford.
  • There will be an ongoing action plan to reinforce the stated policy and this will be monitored by Sophie Stafford.

Appeals Procedure:

Class of 216 is committed to ensuring that the assessment procedure meets the requirements of the Awarding Bodies and fulfils National Standards. Class of 216 operates a system for reviewing the quality and fairness of the assessment procedure. As part of this process the candidate has the right of appeal against any assessment decision, written or practical, which the student deems to be unfair.

  • The student should notify the Assessor of dissatisfaction with the outcome of the assessment within seven days, stating why there is a disagreement with the decision.
  • The assessor must explain the decision in writing within fourteen days. If the student is not satisfied, this will be passed onto BIA awarding body to be resolved.  The matter should be resolved within fourteen days.

Complaints Procedure:

Class of 216 strive to provide training of a standard and quality suited to professional practice and discipline. Tutors and students are expected to adhere to the code of practice and ethics.

  • We encourage students to voice any areas of concern or dissatisfaction with any aspect of the course, venue or tutoring as soon as they arise, so that matters may be addressed and resolved quickly and amicably. We recommend that should a complaint or concern arise it should be made in one or more of the following ways:
    • Speak to the course tutor, at break time or arrange an appointment to request a tutorial.
    • Request a course evaluation sheet. Write, email or telephone Sophie Stafford.

Assessment of Candidates with Special needs:

Class of 216 operates a policy of equal access to all its courses and qualifications and the procedure regarding students with special needs is as follows:

    • Inform Class of 216 at the earliest possible opportunity if extra help will be needed throughout the course. This may either be written on the application form or addressed verbally to a staff member at the Academy. The situation will then be reviewed on an individual basis and a decision will be made by the course tutor as to whether special circumstances need to be considered throughout the course.
    • If special circumstances do need to be considered, then every effort will be made to tailor the teaching to suit individual needs.
    • An action plan will be agreed based on the information given. Supplementary evidence such as GP letter or certificate of special needs may be required.

Course – General information:

  • You will study all theory and practical treatments at the school.
  • You will be required to practice your treatments at home.
  • You may need to bring models for assessments.
  • There will be oral questions and multiple choice questionnaires.
  • You will need to wear a professional uniform with hair up, no jewellery and flat black shoes.
  • Be prepared to give and receive treatments.
  • You will be required to be available for any visits by the Internal and External Verifier, if called. You will be informed of the date and time.

Payment Details:

  • Full payment is required to secure your place on the course. To reserve your place, a deposit of £50 must be paid to secure your place.
  • Please note that payments are non-refundable.
  • Once payment has been received by Class of 216 and cleared you will receive a confirmation letter via email.
  • Payment may be made by bank transfer only.

Booking Terms – Cancellation Policy:

  • Cancellation of any course is required by email (sophiestafford715@icloud.com) at least seven days prior to the course commencing.
  • No refund will be issued by Class of 216, however your course fee can be transferred onto another course.
  • In the event of a student failing to attend or complete a course or assessment, for any reason, no refunds will be made by Class of 216, although a later assessment date may be arranged if an agreement can be agreed with the academy. There will also be an administration fee of £60 for this arrangement.
  • It may be necessary for the student to pay an additional fee of £50.00 per hour, if they have not completed all their assessments within the timescale given, or their model fails to turn up, and can only be done on a day agreeable by both parties.

General Booking Terms:

  • The minimum age for entry is 16 years (there is no upper age limit).
  • In order to apply for a place on one of our courses, please call 01917166385 or email sophiestafford715@icloud.com. Once you have paid, you will be sent a confirmation email, detailing the course dates and any course requirements.
  • Please note that payments, including deposits are non-refundable but may be re-applied to another commencement date, if notice of at least seven working days is given to the Academy.
  • Please check the prerequisites for each course.
  • It is essential for you to be able to speak, read, write and understand English fluently, as there will be tests and assignments that will need to be completed to pass these courses.
  • Please contact Class of 216 regarding course dates.
  • It may be necessary for the School to cancel or re-schedule the course due to unforeseen circumstances; if this occasion should arise, an alternative date will be given. If the date offered is unsuitable, and a suitable date cannot be agreed, the Academy will refund any fees paid.
  • Course fees include tuition, training materials/resources (via email). Refreshments will also be provided during the course for all students and visitors.
  • Course fees do not include additional items where required, such as student work attire and practical items such as beauty/holistic kits for home practice or text books. These items are an additional expense to be met by the student. Kits may be purchased from recommended wholesalers.
  • Class of 216 reserves the right to decline applications.
  • It is acknowledged that all intellectual property rights, including copyright, patents, design rights and any materials relating to the course remain the sole property of Class of 216.
  • All students are required to observe and abide by all policies regarding health and safety, security, student conduct and any other regulations as set out by Class of 216.
  • It is the course applicant’s responsibility, having referred to relevant sources of course information, to ensure that the course in all of its aspects is suitable for her/his requirements, and that they are able to commit to all course dates prior to the course commencing. Class of 216 are happy to provide advice but accepts no liability in the event that the content of the course, any changes to course timetables, structure or cancellation where necessary does not meet individual requirements. Once an application has been received and processed by Class of 216 and a course place allocated, the applicant will be subject to and in agreement with all conditions as set out herein by Class of 216.
  • The terms and conditions set out here in are a complete statement of the agreement between the course applicant and Class of 216 and supersede all discussions, correspondence and representations made prior to the date of booking. In order to avoid disappointment, we recommend early reservation as the courses are in demand and places are limited.